
Central Register  

Centralized user management with LDAP or Active Directory is the standard today, although many prefer to manage user data manually rather than build this kind of infrastructure. In this article, we look at a better approach with OpenLDAP.

Jailbreak: Guard Against Breakouts on Your Virtual Machines  

A common misconception posits that software cannot cause mischief if you lock the system away in a virtual machine, because even if an intruder compromises the web server on the virtual machine, it will only damage the guest. If you believe this, you are in for a heap of hurt.

Memory Hogs  

Even Linux systems with large amounts of main memory are not protected against bottlenecks and potentially drastic performance degradation because of memory shortage. In this article, we investigate the complex causes and test potential solutions.

Tools for incident response and memory analysis  

Be ready before disaster strikes. In this article we describe some tools you should have on hand to obtain a memory image of an infected system.


UTM systems combat all kinds of dangers under the policy of Unified Threat Management. The demands and expectations of customers fuel competition. Two of the most popular manufacturers – Endian and Sophos – have now released new versions of their solutions.

Seat of Knowledge  

Scattered documents lying on the file server are an inconvenient resource when admins need to solve problems at the help desk. Free knowledgebase components combine knowledge and structure, providing a better overview.

Container Terminal  

Docker helps the Linux container achieve an appealing comeback and integrates some features missing from earlier container solutions.

Creating Firewall Rules with ip6tables  

We design a basic set of ip6tables rules for an IPv6 firewall.
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