SPONSORED: As the Linux market is set to soar to nearly USD 100 billion by 2032, businesses are facing mounting challenges in managing increasingly complex workloads spanning from the cloud to the edge. Traditional Linux distributions are not built to meet the specific demands of these modern use cases, creating an urgent need for a more specialized, enterprise-grade solution.
Grommunio is a completely open source and fully compatible drop-in replacement for Microsoft Exchange that uncouples your company from Microsoft's cloud strategy and its severe security and data protection issues.
The many facets of the zero trust implementation process can be a source of frustration, which is why we offer a step-by-step guide to implementing zero trust models to help you make state-of-the-art IT security become a reality.
CouchDB offers numerous interesting features for acquisition and filtering of status messages that make it a fast and convenient data storage solution.
The open source Dradis framework helps you create plans for carrying out team pentests and facilitates the task of standardizing reports from different tools to create summary output.
You don't need native clients for every single service just to back up or synchronize your data in the cloud; Rclone helps you handle these tasks for multiple cloud accounts at the command line or in a graphical front end.
Data deduplication tools boost efficiency in storage management by improving storage utilization and saving network bandwidth during backup and replication processes.
Public key authentication further supplemented with one-time password or hardware authentication methods improves SSH security while offering genuine convenience.
Kubernetes can be highly complex, with massive setup routines that are totally over the top for newcomers. If you want to try out Kubernetes or run it in production, you have a number of options, even if you decide not to use the comprehensive packages from established vendors.