
Flexible Storage  

FreeNAS offers a range of features to suit your storage needs. We show you how to get started.


Email has the reputation of being insecure, unreliable, and easily readable for any user – just like a postcard. An initiative led by the founders of Lavabit and PGP hopes to replace email with a new medium.

On Track  

The statistical programming language R dissects its database in a masterful way, and you can embed your R in Python using the Rpy2 interface.

Secure Code  

Kernel and compiler security techniques, together with sound programming practices, fend off memory corruption exploits.

Minding the Store  

Although the lastest version of the openAttic storage manager was announced as a conservative maintenance release, openAttic 1.1 is actually a feature-rich new development.


Now is the time to re-examine and consider again the power of grep and its relatives.

Data Analysis  

Conduct improved security analysis and visualization of security-related data using R, a scripting language for statistical data manipulation and analysis.

In the Zone  

We show how to create highly available SmartOS zones using UCARP.

What's new in OpenStack 2014.2 "Juno"  

The OpenStack cloud platform plays a major role in the increasingly important cloud industry, so a new release is big news for cloud integrators and admins. The new version 2014.2 "Juno" release mostly cleans up and maintains the working model but adds a few innovations.
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