Amazon Announces AWS Fargate


Amazon announces the release of AWS Farget for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

Amazon has announced the release of AWS Fargate, which is a compute engine for Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). This new service allows customers to run containers without having to manage servers or clusters, and makes it easy to focus your time and effort on building your Kubernetes applications.

Fargate was originally released two years ago and worked with Amazon ECS. After hearing numerous requests from customers to enable the compute engine for Kubernetes, Amazon made it so. Fargate combines the simplicity of serverless computing with the openness and power of Kubernetes. You can now deploy your Kubernetes containers and Fargate will automatically choose the right instances and scale the cluster accordingly. 

Using Fargate also provides strong security isolation for every pod, so you don’t have to worry so much about managing multi-tenancy. You’ll also get out of the box observability, thanks to built-in integrations with the likes of Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights.
With AWS Fargate, the deployment process goes like this: 

  1. Build your container image.
  2. Define memory and compute resources required.
  3. Run and manage applications.
  4. Pay for requested compute resources when used.

And like other AWS solutions, you’ll only pay for the resources required to run your conainters. AWS Fargate for Amazon EKS is available now in the following regions (with more to come soon): US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), Europe (Ireland), and Asia Pacific (Tokyo).

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