New Contest Seeks Most Usable HPC App


Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) announces second round of competition.

Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE), has launched a second round of competition in Europe for the Most Innovative HPC End-User Application. This competition is organized in conjunction with the 5th PRACE Industrial Seminar to be held on April 15-16, 2013 in Stuttgart, Germany. The theme of this year’s event is “HPC Changing Europe’s Industrial Landscape.”

According to PRACE, the competition is intended “to award the boldest industrial HPC end-user application – we want to see how far one can take this technology in changing the present paradigms of HPC use by European industry.”

The competition is open to all fields of HPC and industrial sectors and, according to the announcement, is aimed at end-user applications that challenge the traditional way of doing business in Europe. PRACE is looking for “compelling HPC solutions submitted by industrial end-users that address a specific business problem within the industrial environment of the applicant, changing the operational patterns of their business.” You do not have to attend the seminar to participate in the competition.

PRACE’s industrial seminars generally are aimed at key decision makers in the area of modeling, numerical simulation, and technology. This year’s event will address questions such as how companies can benefit from PRACE’s Industrial Open Research Access Programme, how HPC can help save time and money, and how HPC application changes the behavior of supply chains.

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