Student Cluster Competition Call for Contestants


Annual contest lets students learn by designing, building, and operating a working HPC cluster.

The HPC Advisory Council (HPCAC) and ISC 2015 are calling for undergraduate or high school student teams to enter the 2015 HPCAC-ISC Student Cluster competition. Teams should submit applications by November 14. Eleven teams will be selected to participate in the competition. Contestants will be announced at the SC14 conference on November 19.
The competition will take place at the 2015 ISC conference in Frankfurt, Germany. Competing teams will have four days to design and build a small cluster and run a series of benchmarks and applications. Prizes will be awarded for the highest-performing system, as well as for other categories. According to the announcement “Students will have to be aware of power limitations in addition to learning the behavior and characteristics of HPC applications.”
See the HPC Advisory Council website for information on how to register or sponsor the competition.

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