Last Call for SC16 Posters


Conference extends the submission deadline to July 22

According to the SC16 website, the deadline for the SC16 Poster and ACM Student Research competition, which was previously set for July 15, has been extended to July 22. The poster competition is designed to showcase “cutting-edge research and work in progress in high performance computing, storage, networking, and analysis.” See the SC16 website for a description of the poster competition. The conference will present a best poster award based on the quality of research and quality of the presentation.

The ACM student research competition, which takes place at SC16, will also have a poster competition for undergraduate and graduate students for students who are current ACM members.

The SuperComputing (SC) conference is a major HPC conference event dubbed “The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis.” This year’s event, SC16, will take place in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, on November 13-18.

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