SC13 Content Deadline Approaching


BOFs, Posters, and scientific visualization entries are due at the end of July.

The Supercomputing technical conference (SC13) has announced that the submission deadline is fast approaching for Birds-of-a-Feather sessions, the Emerging Technologies track, posters, the ACM Student Research competition, and the Scientific Visualization showcase. Potential participants should get their entries in by July 31.

The Emerging Technologies track is a new feature of the conference that will "provide a showcase on the SC13 exhibit floor for novel projects with a national or international scope." The focus of Emerging Technologies will be on large-scale, long-term projects rather recent research projects.

Poster submissions can be in either print or electronic format and should describe "cutting-edge research and work in progress in high-performance computing, storage, networking, and analysis." The Scientific Visualization Showcase is designed to display the best visualization of scientific data in the style of a museum or art gallery.

The SC13 conference will take place in Denver, Colorado in November 17-22, 2013. See the SC13 website for SC13 submission information.

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