Advanced Computing Training Centers Selected


European HPC training sites announced.

The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) has selected six of its member sites as the first PRACE Advanced Training Centres. The selected sites are: Barcelona Supercomputing Center (Spain), CINECA-Consorzio Interuniversitario (Italy), CSC-IT Center for Science Ltd. (Finland), EPCC at the University of Edinburgh (UK), Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (Germany), and Maison de la Simulation (France).

PRACE is an international non-profit association based in Brussels, and, according to the announcement, the mission of the PRACE Advanced Training Centres (PATCs) is to carry out and coordinate training and education activities that enable the European research community to utilize the computational infrastructure available through PRACE. The long-term vision is that such centers will become the key hubs and drivers of European high-performance computing education.

According to the website, these training centers will provide first-class education and training opportunities for computational scientists in Europe. They will also be the main bodies responsible for producing materials for the PRACE training portal at At least one PRACE training center will be in operation at any one time, but the locations of the centers, assessed every two years, will vary over time. For more information, visit

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