DOE Seeks Proposals for 2023 INCITE Program


Awards are aimed at large-scale data science, deep learning, and simulation projects.

The US Department of Energy (DOE) is seeking proposals for its 2023 Innovative and Novel Computational Impact (INCITE) program. According to INCITE project manager Katherine Riley, the INCITE project seeks to “...accelerate scientific discoveries by supporting compute- and data-intensive projects that can only be carried out at a DOE leadership computing facility...”

The program is open to academic, industry, and government projects that require the kind of horsepower provided by the DOE’s massive supercomputers. Awards will assign up to 60% of the available time on the 200-petaflop Summit supercomputer, as well as other high-performance systems at the Argonne and Oak Ridge Leadership Computing facilities.

The INCITE program is open to simulation-based projects, as well as “...projects that involve applications in the areas of data science, such as big data and data-intensive computing, and machine learning like deep learning, neural networks and reduced models for scientific data. Crosscutting proposals targeting the convergence of simulation, data and learning are also encouraged.”

For additional information, see the INCITE website.

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