Issue 25: Safe Email

This month, we tackle some next-generation safe email techniques.
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Issue #25 will be shipped to subscribers and available on newsstands starting approximately:

UK/Europe: February  21
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Australia: April 20

Articles from ADMIN Issue 25


The Final Technology Frontier – You free

Fedora 21 Server Edition

On the DVD free

DIME and Dark Mail seek to change the world of digital mail

Secrets free

Transport Encryption with DANE and DNSSEC

Safe Transport free

Booting Windows from a compressed image

Dream Start free

Configuring IPv6 in Windows with NetShell

IPv6 on Board free

Email sender verification with DMARC

Traffic Control free

Zentyal Server 3.5

Control Center free

Data Analysis with R and Python

On Track free

Automated builds using CentOS 7 and Kickstart

Rapid Install free

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