Accelerate web applications with Varnish Cache
If a web application delivers its pages too slowly, users quickly move on. Varnish Cache lets you hitch more horses to the cart.
Five Kubernetes alternatives
Many admins consider Kubernetes the obvious choice for managing containers; however, don't ignore the highly efficient alternatives just because they are less prominent.
New features in PHP 7.3
The new PHP 7.3 simplifies string handling, supports PCRE version 2, adds LDAP controls, improves logging, and deprecates some features, functions, and syntax elements.
Software inventory with PowerShell
PowerShell easily combines different interfaces for querying or reporting data.
Asset tracking with RFID
RFID technology can help you keep track of data center inventory if you can support the up-front costs.
Scanning servers with Nikto
The Nikto scanner performs multiple comprehensive tests against web servers.
CI/CD deliverables pipeline
Build a continuous integration pipeline by linking Git, Jenkins, Docker, and GitHub into a build chain that can be flexibly extended and modified.
Privileged Identity Management in Azure AD
Azure Active Directory privileged identity management provides just enough administration for admins to carry out their work, while minimizing the possibility of security breaches through privileged admin accounts.
Jenkins Configuration as Code
The move from Groovy scripts to Jenkins Configuration as Code simplifies the initialization of Jenkins and Jenkins plugins.
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