
Linux is the best operating system, and it's free!


Really Useful Linux Commands for HPC Admins

It’s time to move beyond the basic commands for administrating Linux HPC systems. We look at some very useful tools.


Understanding Epoch Time in Linux

These handy commands can help you deal with dates and times.


Canonical Celebrates 20 Years

Learn about the history of the company behind Ubuntu Linux.


Tails 6.0 Released

The latest version is based on Debian 12 Bookworm.


CIQ Offers Long-Term Support for Rocky Linux on AWS

Learn about new support options from CIQ.


IBM Announces LinuxONE 4 Express Mini Mainframe

The Linux system is aimed at small and medium businesses.


Linux Kernel Project Becomes CVE Numbering Authority

A lot of CVE numbers are going to be assigned to the kernel.


AlmaLinux and HPC

AlmaLinux steps forward as a free, open source enterprise Linux solution for HPC systems.


How to Replace Windows with Linux Mint

Get step-by-step instructions for making the switch.


Windows and Linux Devices Vulnerable to LogoFAIL Attack

The attack executes malware during the boot process.


OpenELA Creates User Documentation Repository

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