Protect Azure resources with Network Security Groups
Security segmentation into zones has long been the norm in data centers. Microsoft Azure Network Security Groups offers this kind of granular defense-in-depth security, including multilevel configuration of access rules.
OCI containers with Podman
The Podman alternative to Docker is a daemonless container engine with a run time that executes on request in root or user mode.
Domain name resolution with DNS over HTTPS
The new DNS over HTTPS standard from the Internet Engineering Task Force is meant to eliminate some of the known vulnerabilities of the Domain Name System.
Getting started with the Apache Cassandra database
The open source Apache Cassandra database claims to be fail-safe, economical, highly scalable, and easy to manage. A few exercises show whether it lives up to its advertising.
Arm yourself against cloud attacks
We present approaches and solutions for protecting yourself against attacks in the cloud.
Logical Bombs for Fun and Benchmarking
The admin can generate load a number of ways with shell commands.
Samba pitfalls in daily operation
Once you install Samba, you can still encounter errors, problems, and inconsistencies that plague your file server. We address some of these issues.
Test JavaScript programs with Karma
Web developers can test increasingly complex JavaScript applications in multiple browsers with the Karma testing environment.
Static code analysis finds avoidable errors
Static code analysis tools like JSLint, Splint, RATS, and Coverity help you find code vulnerabilities.
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