
Rescue Approach  

In cloud computing practice, backups are important in several ways: Customers want to secure their data, and vendors want to secure the essential details of their platforms. Rescue yourself, if you can.

Stable Future  

Red Hat Enterprise Linux is the flagship Red Hat operating system and the basis for many other company products; therefore, much is at stake with version 8.


If a web application delivers its pages too slowly, users quickly move on. Varnish Cache lets you hitch more horses to the cart.

Safe Harbor  

A scripted approach lets you know when to update your Docker containers.

Server, Heal Thyself  

The right combination of mostly free automation and monitoring tools can create a self-healing system, in which your servers fix themselves.

Mesh Design  

Enable free service mesh functionality on your Kubernetes microservice apps with Istio.

Web Perfect  

Web Components let you define your own HTML tags to restructure monolithic web pages into smaller services and simplify maintenance and servicing.

En Garde!  

Amazon GuardDuty continuously monitors your AWS accounts and workloads for potential threats.

Reducing the Drop Height  

Problems with ADFS trusts can affect network access for Office 365 or associated partner companies. Fortunately, administrators have various monitoring options.

Lighting the Fuse  

Firecracker combines the security and isolation of real VMs with the light weight of containers.
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