

Convince Jenkins as a Docker container to recognize self-signed certificates, verify that the instance is connecting to the correct online service, and that your traffic is transmitted in an encrypted format.

Flexible Security  

Vembu BDR Suite provides comprehensive software that supports flexible configuration when backing up virtual production operations.

Cloud Clusters  

Automated deployment of the AWS-managed Kubernetes service EKS helps you run a production Kubernetes cluster in the cloud with ease.

Small Wonders  

The lax syntax verification of shell scripts and a lack of attention to detail in programming can create impressively dangerous security vulnerabilities.

Everything Must Go  

A complete rebuild of ownCloud delivers the speedy and scalable ownCloud Infinite Scale file platform.

Magical Management  

Tinkerbell specializes in bare metal deployment and life-cycle management, allowing intervention in every phase of the setup.


Configure, build, and deploy operating system images in a suitable format to facilitate and accelerate the installation of new systems.

Cyber Threat  

The danger of ransomware attacks calls for a robust backup and monitoring strategy.

Return to Sender  

Tune the iptables configuration for Docker by establishing your own forwarding rules.
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