The upstream project of the Ansible Tower enterprise solution is now freely available as AWX. We look at Red Hat’s new web-based console manager for Ansible deployments and discover its capabilities.
Microsoft has broken new ground with the release of PowerShell Core 6.0, which at heart is a complete reboot in terms of architecture and objectives. For the first time, a new version is not linked to the Windows operating system.
Because Samba can be integrated easily into heterogeneous environments, a kind of heterogeneous administration is often necessary, and security falls by the wayside. We show you how to use a Samba file server securely in heterogeneous environments.
In malware analysis, a sandbox can provide insight into the software and its run-time environment. While a sandbox can prevent the execution of malicious code with built-in detection mechanisms, malware developers can use countermeasures to take advantage of those same detection mechanisms.
WebRTC has the potential to bring high-quality, easily developed, and interoperable real-time voice, video, and data communication to all manner of applications in web browsers.