Websense Updates TRITON Solution


Websense Inc. announces Websense TRITON solution, with 10 new advanced malware and data theft defenses, spear phishing protection with cloud sandboxing, and a forensic reporting dashboard.

According to the announcement, Websense TRITON unifies the components of threat defense and data theft prevention into a cohesive content security system. “It brings together web security, email security, mobile security, and data loss prevention defenses with unified security intelligence and a unified management console. TRITON solutions can be deployed on enterprise-grade appliances, as cloud-based services, and as powerful and efficient hybrids of on-premise and cloud elements working together.”

Websense TRITON also provides enterprises with the tools necessary to understand cybercrime tactics and methods, including attack communications and destinations and which individuals and data are being targeted.

According to the company, the real-time, inline Websense ACE (Advanced Classification Engine) security engine has 10 new defenses that stop data theft and loss. These include detecting criminal encrypted uploads, advanced malware payloads, and command-and-control recognition. The solution also features optical character recognition of text within images, drip (stateful) DLP detection, password file theft detection, and geolocation awareness.

For more information about Websense TRITON, please visit http://www.websense.com/TRITONseven7.


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