Total Defense Releases Cloud Security Solution


Total Defense Inc. launches Total Defense Cloud Security, an integrated cloud-based SaaS (Security as a Service) solution for web and email protection.

According to the announcement, the Total Defense Cloud Security solution provides users with a secure Internet connection and protection from threats and malware, while making sure that web browsing complies with acceptable use policies. The Total Defense service provides a unified solution for web and email protection within a single management and reporting interface, delivering flexible security for users, regardless of location or device. The product requires no software installation or administration and no upfront implementation costs.

Total Defense Cloud Security features include: security for mobile and remote users, anti-virus and anti-spam protection, application and bandwidth control, URL filtering, and a highly redundant global network with 27 geographic data center locations.

A free 15-day trial of Total Defense Cloud Web and Email Security is available. To learn more, please visit:


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