Webmin 2.0 Released


Webmin 2.0 represents an incremental update rather than a major overhaul.

Version 2.0 of Webmin, a popular, open source, web-based interface for system administration has been released, reports Michael Larabel.

Originally, says Larabel, the 2.0 release was intended to remove “the legacy support that has built up over the years, but Webmin 2.0 is out this week as a more incremental update over the Webmin 1.xxx releases.”

Updates in this release include:

  • Better http to https redirects
  • Support for installing multiple versions of Webmin on systemd systems
  • Support for AMD CPU temperature reporting
  • Mint Linux support

Webmin 2.0 is available now from GitHub. Read more at Phoronix.


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