Penetration Testing DVD Backtrack Version 4 R1 Released


Backtrack, a free Live DVD with tools for penetration testing, is now available as version 4 R1.


The updated system now uses Linux kernel 2.6.34. The developers report problems with the WLAN driver RT2800USB, which they have made a workaround available for on their forum. In addition, Backtrack includes many software updates, such as a complete Fluxbox desktop environment. The Vmware version for use in virtual machines now boasts full integration with VMware Tools. Backtrack offers a large choice of tools for penetration testing on the Live DVD.


For the first time there is now a roadmap for Backtrack, which for example has version 4 R2 on the schedule for October. Backtrack is available for download from HTTP and Bittorrent as DVD and Vmware images.



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