Organizations Struggle to Find Open Source Talent


See benefits and challenges of using open source software.

The 2023 State of Open Source Report shows that "four out of five companies surveyed rely on open source software (OSS) for a wide range of uses, including containers and container orchestration, DevOps, and database management," says FOSSlife. However, companies still struggle with a lack of open source talent.

The report, compiled by Open Source Initiative and OpenLogic by Perforce, looks at reasons why companies adopt open source as well as issues related to its use, such as security concerns and lack of skilled staff, FOSSlife says.

Specific challenges include:

  • Maintaining security policies or compliance (41.9%)
  • Lack of skills, proficiency, or experience (37.5%)
  • Keeping up with updates and patches (36.7%)

Read more at FOSSlife.



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