72% of Organizations Collect Data They Will Never Use


Survey blames lack of Big Data skill and problems with the organizational culture.

A recent report from storage vendor Pure Storage states that 72% of organizations are gathering data they won't use. The report is based on a study of businesses in Germany, France, and the UK. The report, titled “Big Data's Big Failure: The struggles businesses face in accessing the data they need,” observes that, despite the enormous capacity of modern tools for gathering, tracking, and assembling business data, much of the data is never processed or organized in a way that would aid in corporate decision making. The report cites a lack of technical skill, lack of technological investment, and dependence on an outdated business culture as reasons why large amounts of Big Data go unprocessed.

The report concludes that companies need to get better at processing their data. The other possible conclusion – that maybe these companies don't really need all this data and shouldn't bother to collect it in the first place – escapes mention in the piece.

See the story in the Register for more on the Pure Storage report.


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