Oracle Releases Oracle NoSQL Database 2.0


Oracle announces Oracle NoSQL Database 2.0 – a highly scalable, low-latency, key-value database for real-time big data workloads.

According to the company, Oracle NoSQL Database 2.0 has a powerful and flexible transaction model that greatly simplifies the process of developing a NoSQL-based application. The database scales horizontally with high availability and transparent load balancing.

Oracle NoSQL Database 2.0 includes tighter integration with Oracle Database and Hadoop environments and is designed to fit seamlessly into an enterprise IT stack. Oracle NoSQL Database is designed to be highly available and extremely scalable, with predictable levels of throughput and latency. And, it requires minimal administrative interaction.

The latest version adds efficient support for storage and retrieval of large objects such as documents and images, as well as automatic rebalancing for allocating resources in response to changing production requirements. The database lets customers easily manage high-velocity transactional data generated by web-based applications, social media, sensors, smart meters, and communications services. It is built using Oracle Berkeley DB as the underlying storage engine. 

Oracle NoSQL Database 2.0 is available for download from the Oracle Technology Network.


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