Apache Software Foundation Releases Cassandra v1.1


Apache announces the release of Cassandra v1.1, a NoSQL database featuring a revised query language and improved caching.

The Apache Software Foundation has released Apache Cassandra v1.1. According to the company, the highly-scalable, distributed database quickly and reliably handles massive data sets across community machines, large server clusters, and data centers without compromising performance.

“Apache Cassandra is the leading scalable NoSQL database in terms of production installations – the 1.0 release was a huge milestone,” said Jonathan Ellis, Vice President of Apache Cassandra. “v1.1 improves on that foundation with many features and enhancements that developers and administrators have been asking for.”

According to the announcement, the Apache Cassandra “NoSQL” solution features ease of use, a powerful data model, enterprise-grade reliability, tunable performance, and incremental scalability with no single point of failure. The super-efficient Cassandra accommodates high query volumes at exceptional speed (sub-millisecond writes) with low latency, and can handle petabytes of data across formats and applications in real time.

Apache Cassandra v1.1 also features improved caching, revised query language (Cassandra Query Language – a subset of SQL), storage control, schema/structure, Hadoop integration/output, data directory control, and scalability. 

Apache Cassandra software is released under the Apache License v2.0 and is overseen by a Project Management Committee that guides day-to-day operations, community development, and product releases. Apache Cassandra source code, downloads, documentation, mailing lists, and related resources are available at http://cassandra.apache.org/.


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