OpenDNS Announces Umbrella


OpenDNS announces Umbrella, a cloud security service that helps protect users from malware and other cybersecurity threats, regardless of location or device.

Umbrella “embraces the idea that all workers are nomadic workers, and it’s built from the ground up to secure people no matter where they work.”

According to the company, Umbrella provides comprehensive network security for both on-site and off-site employees using iPhones, iPads, Windows, and Mac laptops. Administrators can define policies and view reports across any number of networks, sites, users, and devices through a cloud-based management dashboard.

Umbrella provides “a secure channel that uses a lightweight combination of DNS routing and selective proxying” to efficiently route traffic to the Internet and improve performance and reduce latency for the end user. The company states that the Umbrella cloud-based service is easy to deploy and manage and protects users against the latest malware, botnet, and phishing attempts. And, Umbrella is constantly updated using threat intelligence data gathered from the OpenDNS Global Network.

Umbrella Security Cloud is available immediately from OpenDNS. Details and pricing information are available on the Umbrella website.


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