DOE Envisions New High Performance Data Facility


The U.S Dept. of Energy has proposed a centralized High Performance Data Facility.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has proposed and begun the bidding process for a new High Performance Data Facility, “which will be a centralized hub of shared datasets and other resources located in one of its HPC labs that connects out through spokes of network to storage and computation in the other centers,” reports Timothy Prickett Morgan.

“The DOE envisions the hub and spoke model will have the HPDF as its foundation, where shared datasets will be centralized and shared across spoke facilities. What the DOE is looking for is more of a system of systems approach than a centralized compute and storage facility, something that looks very much like XSEDE to our eye,” Morgan says. The deadline for submissions is May 5, 2023.

In other news, the HPC computing market is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.3 percent by 2029, according to a new report from Orion Market Research.

This “astonishing” rate is driven by factors including a “growing requirement for HPC solutions in various applications, continued diversification, expansion of the IT industry, advances in virtualization, and rising preference for hybrid HPC solutions” the report says.

Read more at The Next Platform.


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