Cedexis Offers New Internet Performance Reporting Tool


Cedexis new data visualization interface combines quality and performance measurements with an additional service, OpenMix, enabling real-time traffic routing changes.

Cedexis has launched a new data visualization interface. According to the press release, Cedexis publishes daily country-by-country reports on the performance of IT providers (hosting companies, CDNs, and clouds), providing valuable information on the state of their Internet services.

“This daily reporting tool is using billions of measurements generated by users surfing Cedexis’s customers sites every day. In addition, we have also added a feature to measure the performance, country-by-country, for content owners using multiple Clouds and CDNs,” states Marty Kagan, CEO and co-founder of Cedexis.

According to the announcement, Cedexis combines these quality and performance measurements with an additional service, called OpenMix, which enables real-time traffic routing changes to maximize the end-user’s experience. With this real-time decision making service, end users are always sent to the best provider for them at that point in time. The company states that the globally distributed, on-demand Openmix platform provides a highly robust means of ingesting real-time data from various sources and exposing this metadata as environment “variables,” which can be evaluated on each request. More information can be found at: http://www.cedexis.com/.


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