Top Universities Lack Proper Email Security Measures


U.S. universities have the poorest levels of email protection among countries surveyed.

Recent research from Proofpoint found that top universities in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia “are not taking appropriate measures to proactively block attackers from spoofing their email domains, increasing the risk of email fraud.”

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) analysis performed by Proofpoint showed that “none of the top U.S. and U.K. universities had a Reject policy in place, which actively blocks fraudulent emails from reaching their intended targets, meaning all are leaving students open to email fraud.”

According to the analysis, U.S. universities have the poorest levels of protection, followed by the United Kingdom, and then Australia. 

“Email remains the most common vector for security compromises across all industries. In recent years, the frequency, sophistication, and cost of cyber attacks against universities has increased. It’s the combination of these factors that make it especially concerning that the premier universities in the U.S. are currently the most vulnerable to attack,” Proofpoint says.


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