Amazon Web Services Container Image Library in the Works


Amazon Web Services is beginning to roll out it's very own container image library for AWS deployments.

In reaction to the new image limiting policy, Amazon is creating what some might call their own internal take on DockerHub. Why? Because the world's most popular container image repository has started limiting the amount of images users of free accounts (and anonymous users) can pull. Although that number is starting pretty high (5,000 pulls per 6 hours for anonymous and free users) the eventual goal will be limits of 100 image pulls per 6 hours for anonymous users and 200 for free accounts. Although that might sound like quite a large number (even for free accounts), given how complicated some pod deployments can be (with large numbers of container images per deployment), that limit can easily be exceeded, especially when deploying at scale.

That's why AWS will be offering their own image repository, which will only be available to use for AWS customers. This new public container registry should hit AWS soon. In their November 2nd announcement, Amazon intimated the solution would roll out "within weeks."

AWS public images will be geo-located, for better availability and offer fast downloads, so you can quickly serve up your applications and services on-demand. Amazon will also offer a public website, where anyone can browse the included collection of container images, developer-provided details, and even see pull commands. 

Those who pull anonymously will get 50GB of free storage and 500GB of free bandwidth each month and pay nominal charges once that limit has been exceeded.

Make sure to follow the Amazon Containers blog to stay informed.


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