New Supercomputing Journal Offers Free Online Distribution


The Journal for Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations (JSFI) provides immediate open access to peer-reviewed technical articles on the latest supercomputing research.

High-performance computing scion Jack Dongarra and his Russian colleague Vladimir Voevodin have started a quarterly peer-reviewed journal for the supercomputing research community. The Journal for Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations (JSFI) is an open-access, online International journal that is available for free download in PDF format. The first issue is available now at the JSFI website.
Dongarra, distinguished professor of Computer Science at University of Tennessee and co-creator of the Linpack benchmark, and Voevodin, Deputy director of the Research Computing Center at Moscow State University, say they want to create a journal that provides “immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.” In a joint statement, the editors state the goal of JSFI is to give “an introduction to the area of innovative supercomputing technologies, prospective architectures, scalable and highly parallel algorithms, languages, data analytics, issues related to computational co-design, and cross-cutting HPC issues as well as papers on supercomputing education and massively parallel computing applications in science and industry.”
See the Submissions page at the JSFI website for information on submitting an article for publication.

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