Scientists Report a Major Advance in the Quest for Room-Temperature Supercomputing


New technique using pyrolytic graphite could lead to more efficient quantum computing

Researchers at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Brazil), University of Perugia (Italy), SwissScientific Technologies, and Terra Quantum have reported an apparent breakthrough in the quest for room-temperature superconductivity. In an article that appears in the Advanced Quantum Technologies journal, the authors present a method using “cleaved highly oriented pyrolytic graphite carrying dense arrays of nearly parallel surface line defects.”

According to new reports, the new technique, which has been patented by Terra Quantum, could be “100 times more efficient than existing superconducting qubits.”

Terra Quantum CEO and co-founder Markus Pflitsch is highly optimistic about the direction of the research. “This discovery made by our scientific team with our academic and industry partners opens the door to spectacular advances in superconducting technology. Room-temperature superconductivity opens a gateway to transformative advancements across industries.”

It is worth noting that others in the industry have expressed skepticism about the findings. Tech Crunch reports that “Lately, claims of room-temperature superconductivity seem to be blooming like flowers after a rainstorm. In the last year alone, three high-profile cases were either debunked, retracted, or seriously doubted.” However, the recent research by Terra Quantum and its partners will continue to generate interest as scientists pursue the illusive goal of room-temperature supercomputing.


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