ISC Conference Call for Volunteers


College-age students get a free pass for tutorials, conference sessions, workshops, and other events in exchange for helping.

The ISC 2022 high-performance computing conference, which will take place in Hamburg, Germany on May 29-June 2, 2022, has announced that applications for the student volunteer program are now open. Conference organizers say they are looking for “dedicated and reliable young people to help us run our conference...In return, you will have the opportunity to attend tutorials, conference sessions, workshops, the exhibition, and selected evening events.” Volunteers will have the chance to meet and network with HPC researchers and scientists from around the world.

Applications are open to students pursuing a bachelor’s, master’s, or PhD in computer science or another STEM-related field. You must be fluent in English and must work a minimum of 25 hours between May 27 and June 3. Volunteers are responsible for their own travel expenses, however, as the announcement points out, many institutions make funds available for their students to travel to professional events.

The ISC conference is the biggest and most well known HPC conference in Europe, with an estimated attendance of 3,000 visitors for this year’s event. For more information, see the announcement at the ISC website, or go straight to the registration page to start your application.

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