ISC 2018 Announces Call for Papers


Submissions for the leading European HPC event are due by December 22.

The ISC High Performance conference has announced a call for research papers for ISC 2018, which will take place in Frankfurt, Germany, on June 24-28, 2018. Conference papers for the 2018 event will fall into seven tracks:

  • Architecture and Networks
  • Data, Storage, and Visualization
  • HPC Applications
  • HPC Algorithms
  • Programming Models and Systems Software
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Performance Modeling and Measurement

Submitted papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed by at least four reviewers. The deadline for submissions is December 22, 2017. See the ISC press announcement for information on the submission process.

The ISC conference is also looking for tutorial and workshop proposals.

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