Hortonworks Announces Sandbox Learning Environment


Hortonworks announces Hortonworks Sandbox, a hands-on environment for learning, testing, and using Apache Hadoop in the enterprise.

Hortonworks announces Hortonworks Sandbox, a hands-on environment for learning, testing, and using Apache Hadoop in the enterprise.

According to the company, the easy-to-use Sandbox allows users to set up a small Hadoop cluster with an integrated environment where they can access demos, videos, and step-by-step tutorials. Additionally, the tool’s web interface has been designed to lower the learning curve for people who want to explore and evaluate Hadoop quickly and easily.

The integrated learning tutorials have been developed based on the experience of the Hortonworks training team in teaching students how to develop and administer Apache Hadoop. These learning materials will be regularly updated by the Hortonworks team to provide new content and increasingly sophisticated tutorials. Additionally, users can upload their own datasets to test Apache Hadoop within their own data architectures.

According to the company, Hortonworks Sandbox is a single node implementation of the Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) 1.2. With the Sandbox, users can investigate and evaluate various Apache Hadoop projects, such as Apache Pig, Apache Hive, Apache HCatalog, and Apache HBase in an isolated protected environment. Hortonworks Sandbox is available now for free download.


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