HPC Server Revenue at All-Time High


IBM, HP, and Fujitsu rank 1, 2, and 3, respectively, as market leaders of worldwide revenue share.

IDC reports worldwide factory revenue for the high performance computing (HPC) technical server market reached its highest level ever in the third quarter of 2012.  According to a new report from International Data Corporation (IDC), third quarter revenue grew approximately 40% to reach US$ 3.3 billion, which was up from US$ 2.4 billion for Q3 2011.

According to IDC, a major factor in this growth was the very large systems sold by Fujitsu and IBM. Revenue in the high-end supercomputers sector (consisting of HPC systems sold for US$ 500,000 and up)  jumped 80.6% over the second quarter of 2012 to US$ 2.1 billion. In the third quarter of 2012, the high-end supercomputers sector of the market accounted for 62.4% of worldwide HPC technical server revenue.

In Q3 2012, IBM and HP were the worldwide market leaders, capturing 33.1% and 25.7% of overall revenue share, respectively. Fujitsu occupied third place with 16.1% of the worldwide revenue.

“HPC technical servers, especially Supercomputers, have been closely linked not only to scientific advances but also to industrial innovation and economic competitiveness. For this reason, nations and regions across the world are increasing their investments in supercomputing even in today’s challenging economic conditions,” said Earl Joseph, program vice president for Technical Computing at IDC.

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