Metadata for Your Data

File Size Statistics

Thr dtatistics for files sizes of the files in the pickle are:

  • Average file size: 909.000KB
  • Largest file: 19,804,344.000KB
  • Smallest file: 0.000KB
  • Standard deviation file size: 49,832.8061KB

Table 9: File Size Intervals

Interval (KB) No. of Files % of Total Cumulative %
0–1 156,455 40.31 40.31
1–2 38,278 9.86 50.18
2–4 30,822 7.94 58.12
4–8 43,118 11.11 69.23
8–16 24,296 6.26 75.49
16–32 33,455 8.62 84.11
32–64 13,502 3.48 87.59
64–128 12,083 3.11 90.70
128–256 8,623 2.22 92.93
256–512 13,437 3.46 96.39
512–1,024 5,456 1.41 97.79
1,024–2,048 2,687 0.69 98.49
2,048–4,096 2,497 0.64 99.13
4,096–8,192 1,361 0.35 99.48
8,192–16,384 949 0.24 99.73
16,384–32,768 373 0.10 99.82
32,768–65,536 246 0.06 99.89
65,536–131,072 179 0.05 99.93
131,072–262,144 76 0.02 99.95
262,144–524,288 36 0.01 99.96
524,288-1,048,576 154 0.04 100.00

Table 10: Top 10 Largest Files

Rank File Size (KB)
1 /home/laytonjb/CLUSTERBUFFER2/STRACE_PY/EXAMPLES/cesm-strace/strace.janus017.tar 19,804,344
2 /home/laytonjb/src/CFD/CFD_2/cfdpp.tar.gz 8,473,315
3 /home/laytonjb/LAPTOP/CLUSTERBUFFER/STRACE_PY/EXAMPLES/23andme-jeff-runs/all2/strace.26702.call_variants_1.out 6,155,298
4 /home/laytonjb/CLUSTERBUFFER2/STRACE_PY/EXAMPLES/23andme-jeff-runs/all2/strace.26702.call_variants_1.out 6,155,298
5 /home/laytonjb/src/CFD/CFD_2/overflow.tar.gz 5,863,543
6 /home/laytonjb/LAPTOP/CLUSTERBUFFER/STRACE_PY/EXAMPLES/23andme-jeff-runs/all2/strace.24999.count_covariates_1.out 5,748,509
7 /home/laytonjb/CLUSTERBUFFER2/STRACE_PY/EXAMPLES/23andme-jeff-runs/all2/strace.24999.count_covariates_1.out 5,748,509
8 /home/laytonjb/src/CFD/CFD_2/boeing_app_tuned.tar.gz 4,240,130
9 /home/laytonjb/LAPTOP/CLUSTERBUFFER/STRACE_PY/EXAMPLES/23andme-jeff-runs/all2/strace.24084.realign_indels_1.out 4,225,463
10 /home/laytonjb/CLUSTERBUFFER2/STRACE_PY/EXAMPLES/23andme-jeff-runs/all2/strace.24084.realign_indels_1.out 4,225,463
Figure 5: File size (KB) histogram.

Biggest Users

Table 11: Top 10 Largest Files

Rank User Total Size (KB) % of Total
1 laytonjb 353,100,132 99.9998
2 root 645 0.0002
3 susy 0 0.0000

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