Metadata for Your Data

Metadata Report

A “highlight” analysis of each pickle file presents the top 10 oldest files, largest files, users with the most data, and so on. Number of files in scan = 388,083.

Mtime Age Statistics

The following statistics are for the mtime  age of files in the pickle. Mtime is the change time of the file. It will change only if the actual data is changed, but not if the metadata alone is changed.

  • Average mtime age: 907.327 days
  • Oldest mtime age: 5,401.736 days
  • Youngest mtime age: 0.308 days
  • Standard deviation mtime age: 590.7352 days

Table 1 lists the mtime age intervals in days. The age is based on the mtime of the files when scanned and the current time.

Table 1:mtime Age Intervals

Interval (days) No. of files % of Total Cumulative %
0–1 151 0.04 0.04
1–2 0 0.00 0.04
2–4 215 0.06 0.09
4–7 111 0.29 0.38
7–14 75 0.02 0.40
14–28 7,376 1.90 2.30
28–56 10,658 2.75 5.05
56–112 12,079 3.11 8.16
112–168 27,551 7.10 15.26
168–252 9,819 2.53 17.79
252–365 79,031 20.36 38.15
365–504 3,717 0.96 39.11
504–730 5,421 1.40 40.51
730–1,095 39,356 10.14 50.65
1,095–1,460 190,014 48.96 99.61
1,460–1,825 640 0.16 99.78
1,825–2,190 142 0.04 99.81
2,190–2,920 392 0.10 99.92
2,920–3,650 160 0.04 99.96
3,650–4,380 41 0.01 99.97
4,380–5,110 91 0.02 99.99
5,110–5,840 36 0.01 100.00

Table 2 lists the top 10 files based on mtime, change time, when the files were scanned in the original pickle file.

Table 2: Top 10 Oldest Files Based on mtime

Rank File Mtime Age
1 /home/laytonjb/.gkrellm2/themes/x17/bg_grid.png 5,401.736
2 /home/laytonjb/.gkrellm2/themes/brushed/bg_grid.png 5,401.736
3 /home/laytonjb/.gkrellm2/themes/brushed/bg_chart.png 5,401.736
4 /home/laytonjb/.gkrellm2/themes/brushed/d 5,401.736
5 /home/laytonjb/.gkrellm2/themes/brushed/gismrc~ 5,401.736
6 /home/laytonjb/.gkrellm2/themes/brushed/gkrellmrc 5,235.235
7 /home/laytonjb/.gkrellm2/themes/x17/host/bg_panel.png 5,234.116
8 /home/laytonjb/.gkrellm2/themes/x17/net/decal_net_leds.png 5,234.116
9 /home/laytonjb/.gkrellm2/themes/x17/frame_left.png 5,234.116
10 /home/laytonjb/.gkrellm2/themes/x17/frame_bottom.png 5,234.116

Figure 1 is a histogram of the mtime (modify time) age of files in the pickle.

Figure 1: Mtime Histogram.
Ctime Age Statistics

The next statistics are for the ctime  age of the files in the pickle. Ctime is the change time of the file. It will change if the actual data is changed and if the metadata is changed, such as the ownership or permissions on the file.

  • Average ctime age: 206.064 days
  • Oldest ctime age: 248.377 days
  • Youngest ctime age: 0.308 days
  • Standard deviation ctime age: 69.8168 days

Table 3 lists the ctime age intervals in days. The age is based on the ctime of the files when scanned and the current time.

Table 3Ctime Age Intervals

Interval (days) No. of files % of Total Cumulative %
0–1 155 0.04 0.04
1–2 0 0.00 0.04
2–4 259 0.07 0.11
4–7 4,656 1.20 1.31
7–14 75 0.02 1.33
14–28 15,842 4.08 5.41
28–56 4,421 1.14 6.55
56–112 20,402 5.26 11.80
112–168 72,768 18.75 30.55
168–252 269,505 69.45 100.00
252–365 0 0.00 100.00
365–504 0 0.00 100.00
504–730 0 0.00 100.00
730–1,095 0 0.00 100.00
1,095–1,460 0 0.00 100.00
1,460–1,825 0 0.00 100.00
1,825–2,190 0 0.00 100.00
2,190–2,920 0 0.00 100.00
2,920–3,650 0 0.00 100.00
3,650–4,380 0 0.00 100.00
4,380–5,110 0 0.00 100.00
5,110–5,840 0 0.00 100.00

Table 4 lists the top 10 files based on ctime, change time, when the files were scanned in the original pickle file.

Table 4: Top 10 Oldest Files Based on ctime

Rank File Ctime Age
1 /home/laytonjb/.gconf/apps/nm-applet/%gconf.xml 248.377
2 /home/laytonjb/.gconf/apps/panel/applets/workspace_switcher/prefs/%gconf.xml 248.377
3 /home/laytonjb/.gconf/apps/panel/applets/workspace_switcher/%gconf.xml 248.377
4 /home/laytonjb/.gconf/apps/panel/applets/clock/prefs/%gconf.xml 248.377
5 /home/laytonjb/.gconf/apps/panel/applets/clock/%gconf.xml 248.377
6 /home/laytonjb/.gconf/apps/panel/applets/window_list/prefs/%gconf.xml 248.377
7 /home/laytonjb/.gconf/apps/panel/applets/window_list/%gconf.xml 248.377
8 /home/laytonjb/.gconf/apps/panel/applets/%gconf.xml 248.377
9 /home/laytonjb/.gconf/apps/panel/%gconf.xml 248.377
10 /home/laytonjb/.gconf/apps/gnote/%gconf.xml 248.377

Figure 2 is a histogram of the ctime (change time) age of the files in the pickle.

Figure 2: Ctime histogram.

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