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Mocking and emulating AWS and GCP services
Local AWS Emulation with LocalStack
Now comes the big daddy of all the AWS cloud mocking and emulation frameworks. LocalStack is a drop-in single-container solution to provide 80+ AWS services at your immediate disposal. In fact, it's a full-fledged enterprise-level solution to emulate AWS services and Lambdas (serverless compute services) entirely on your local machine without any external dependencies. LocalStack is simply your local cloud sandbox for development, testing, and experimentation.
To begin with LocalStack, I use a very popular IaC automation tool known as Terraform. If Terraform is new to you, it provides a declarative configuration language with tunable properties to create resources on services such as AWS. The Terraform ecosystem also provides official modules to create various cloud resource combos as configurable stacks. I'll use the official Terraform AWS module test examples here to familiarize you with LocalStack.
First things first: Create the Dockerfile in Listing 21, the Terraform module in Listing 22, and the script in Listing 23 to create an image to run Terraform actions against the localhost. Then create the necessary Docker image:
docker build -f Dockerfile_TerraformWS . -t terraformws
Listing 21
FROM hashicorp/terraform COPY aws_override.tf /etc/terraform/ COPY terraform_awsemu_test.sh /usr/local/bin/tfrmawstst
Listing 22
provider "aws" { region = "us-west-1" access_key = "mock_access_key" s3_use_path_style = true secret_key = "mock_secret_key" skip_credentials_validation = true skip_metadata_api_check = true skip_requesting_account_id = true endpoints { acm = "http://localstack:4566" apigateway = "http://localstack:4566" cloudformation = "http://localstack:4566" cloudwatch = "http://localstack:4566" dynamodb = "http://localstack:4566" es = "http://localstack:4571" ec2 = "http://localstack:4566" firehose = "http://localstack:4566" iam = "http://localstack:4566" kinesis = "http://localstack:4566" kms = "http://localstack:4566" lambda = "http://localstack:4566" route53 = "http://localstack:4566" redshift = "http://localstack:4566" s3 = "http://localstack:4566" secretsmanager = "http://localstack:4566" ses = "http://localstack:4566" sns = "http://localstack:4566" sqs = "http://localstack:4566" ssm = "http://localstack:4566" stepfunctions = "http://localstack:4566" sts = "http://localstack:4566" } }
Listing 23
#! /bin/sh TAMD=${1} EXDR=${2} OPRN=${3} NUMOPTNMX=4 TRFRMCNFL=${TRFRMCNFL:-'/etc/terraform/aws_override.tf'} TRFRMWLOC=${TRFRMWLOC:-'/tmp/terraform'} printUsage() { cat <<EOF Usage: $(basename "${0}") <terraform aws module> <example dir> <plan|apply|destroy> EOF exit 0 } parseArgs() { if [[ $# -gt ${NUMOPTNMX} ]] then printUsage fi if [[ "${OPRN}" != "plan" ]] && [[ "${OPRN}" != "apply" ]] && [[ "${OPRN}" != "destroy" ]] then printUsage fi } preProcess() { if [[ -d "/tmp/terraform-aws-${TAMD}" ]] then cd "/tmp/terraform-aws-${TAMD}" git pull cd "examples/${EXDR}/" terraform init -input=false else if git clone "https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-${TAMD}.git" "/tmp/terraform-aws-${TAMD}" then if [[ -e "${TRFRMCNFL}" ]] then if [[ -d "/tmp/terraform-aws-${TAMD}/examples/${EXDR}/" ]] then if cp -f "${TRFRMCNFL}" "/tmp/terraform-aws-${TAMD}/examples/${EXDR}/" then cd "/tmp/terraform-aws-${TAMD}/examples/${EXDR}/" terraform init -input=false fi fi fi fi fi } runOprtn() { cd "/tmp/terraform-aws-${TAMD}/examples/${EXDR}/" if [[ "${OPRN}" = "apply" ]] || [[ "${OPRN}" = "destroy" ]] then terraform ${OPRN} -input=false -auto-approve else terraform "${OPRN}" fi } main() { parseArgs preProcess runOprtn } main 2>&1
Next, create the YAML file in Listing 24 and execute the command
docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro -v ./terraform_localstack_stack.yml:/etc/compose/terraform_localstack_stack.yml:ro docker docker compose -f /etc/compose/terraform_localstack_stack.yml up -d
Listing 24
services: localstack: image: localstack/localstack:${LSTKTAG:-latest} container_name: localstack hostname: localstack volumes: - "${TMPDIR:-/tmp/terraform}:/tmp/terraform" - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro ports: - "14566:4566" - "14510-14559:4510-4559" environment: - DEBUG=${DEBUG:-0} healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "curl", "-I", "localhost:4566/_localstack/health"] interval: 5s timeout: 3s retries: 5 restart: unless-stopped terraformws: image: terraformws:${TFRMTAG:-latest} container_name: terraformws hostname: terraformws volumes: - ./aws.tf:/etc/terraform/aws.tf:ro - ./terraform_awsemu_test.sh:/usr/local/bin/tfrmawstst:ro entrypoint: ash command: "-c 'while true; do sleep 5; done'" depends_on: localstack: condition: service_healthy networks: default: name: awsmockemu-demo external: true
to bring up the necessary containers.
You are now fully ready to demonstrate the power of LocalStack to create AWS resources with the official Terraform modules. The first demo uses the AWS Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) designed to simplify the setup, operation, and scaling of a relational database for use in applications. Administration processes such as patching the database software, backing up databases, and enabling point-in-time recovery are managed automatically. To start, execute
docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro -v ./terraform_localstack_stack.yml:/etc/compose/terraform_localstack_stack.yml:ro docker docker compose -f /etc/compose/terraform_localstack_stack.yml exec terraformws sh -c "tfrmawstst rdscomplete-postgres apply"
Terraform first shows which AWS resources will be created for a complete RDS Postgres module (Figure 7) and then creates everything.
Next, try your hand with the very popular Amazon Redshift service used by tens of thousands of customers every day to modernize their data analytics workloads. Just execute the command
docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro -v ./terraform_localstack_stack.yml:/etc/compose/terraform_localstack_stack.yml:ro docker docker compose -f /etc/compose/terraform_localstack_stack.yml exec terraformws sh -c "tfrmawstst redshift complete apply"
and profit from playing with Redshift locally without spending even a penny.
The next demo is for DynamoDB, a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability. If you execute
docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro -v ./terraform_localstack_stack.yml:/etc/compose/terraform_localstack_stack.yml:ro docker docker compose -f /etc/compose/terraform_localstack_stack.yml exec terraformws sh -c "tfrmawstst dynamodb-table autoscaling apply"
you create an AWS DynamoDB table with autoscaling and let Terraform create all the necessary cloud resources locally (Figure 8).
To wrap up this quick exploration of LocalStack, the next example uses the Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), a managed Kubernetes service to run Kubernetes in the AWS cloud and on-premises data centers. The command
docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro -v ./terraform_localstack_stack.yml:/etc/compose/terraform_localstack_stack.yml:ro docker docker compose -f /etc/compose/terraform_localstack_stack.yml exec terraformws sh -c "tfrmawstst eks eks_managed_node_group apply"
illustrates how easy it is to create any cloud service locally with LocalStack.
All these applications are just the tip of the LocalStack iceberg which is full of great functionalities for AWS services, along with a number of integrations, extensions, tools, and more. Please browse through LocalStack's extensive documentation [7] to become familiar with its power.
Mocking and emulation are essential ingredients in the modern API-driven, cloud-native world. Sooner or later, development, QA, and other experimental environments require cost-effective solutions to unblock development and operations teams. GCP provides free official emulators to unblock teams. In the AWS world, Moto is an elegant library to mock cloud services. LocalStack is an enterprise-level solution for full emulation of hundreds of AWS services. These effective solutions will enable your company to move fast on the cloud-native journey without burning holes in your pockets.
- Code for this article: https://linuxnewmedia.thegood.cloud/s/9nFQcFb2p8oRMEJ
- Pub/Sub: https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/emulator
- Bigtable quickstart: https://cloud.google.com/bigtable/docs/create-instance-write-data-cbt-cli
- Cloud Spanner: https://cloud.google.com/spanner/docs/emulator
- Moto: https://docs.getmoto.org/en/latest/
- Moto services implementation coverage: https://github.com/getmoto/moto/blob/master/IMPLEMENTATION_COVERAGE.md
- LocalStack: https://docs.localstack.cloud/overview/
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