Docker Introduces New Template Feature


Create your own Docker containers without the need for Dockerfiles or Docker commands

Two major highlights of DockerCon, North America, were improvements made to Docker Desktop and introduction of the Federated Application Management platform.

Docker is introducing “templates” that allow developers to pick and choose components, like the database of the web server, and quickly spin a container/application and deploy them in production from the desktop.

“These new templates presented via a GUI allow developers to create new containerized applications without requiring them to learn Docker commands or write Dockerfiles and Compose files from scratch,” said Docker in a press release.

In a live demo at the show, developers showed how they can build a new app from scratch using Docker templates and deploy it in the cloud in production.

Federated Application Management is a new capability available on Docker EE that provides a single management plane to automate the management and security of containerized applications on premises and across hosted Kubernetes-based cloud services, including Azure AKS, AWS EKS, and Google GKE.

In another demo, developers demonstrated how DevOps can deploy applications in multiple clouds, including on-prem, Google Compute Platform, Azure, and AWS. They can now also deploy apps in different regions and across the globe using the new Federated Application Management technology.

Both Federated Application Management and Docker templates are available as beta.


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