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Photo by vadim kaipov on Unsplash

The state of OpenStack in 2022


Article from ADMIN 72/2022
The unprecedented hype surrounding OpenStack 10 years ago changed to disillusionment, which has nevertheless had a positive effect: OpenStack is still evolving and is now mainly deployed where it actually makes sense to do so.

In the middle of the past decade, it seemed that the leaders of the OpenStack Foundation could hardly believe the success of their product. For a long time, OpenStack trade fairs and, above all, the OpenStack Summit were surrounded by something like a mystical aura: 8,000 participants and more regularly joined the private cloud computing environment camp to catch up on the latest technology. In 2012, an OpenStack sensation began that the industry had never experienced before, especially in the open source software context.

A big bang is inevitably followed by a big hangover at some point, and OpenStack was no exception. Some participants even left the OpenStack party while it was still in full swing. Large OpenStack projects sprang up like mushrooms, fizzling out after months or years, and leaving little behind except frustrated people. Others turned to Kubernetes, which was about to become the next big thing. Following that, the media went quiet about OpenStack.

Some believe that OpenStack has disappeared from the scene, but – to paraphrase Mark Twain – the news of its demise is exaggerated. OpenStack is still an active project today, albeit with a much smaller community. However, it is still evolving, which is reason enough to take a fresh look at OpenStack and ask: What has changed technically, organizationally, and administratively?


The most noticeable innovation, and one that has packed the biggest punch, is the reorientation of the OpenStack Foundation. Originally, the Foundation had formed to give OpenStack a non-commercial home, which makes sense in the US in particular for various reasons (e.g., a virtual-only project cannot hold any rights to trademarks or brands). On top of that, someone had to pay for the OpenStack party, and one of the Foundation's core tasks is to raise sponsorship money. This task is done on a corporate and individual membership basis,

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