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Photo by Julien DI MAJO on Unsplash

Questions about the present and future of OpenStack

Maturity Processes

Article from ADMIN 72/2022
OpenStack has been on the market for 12 years and is generally considered one of the great open source projects. Thierry Carrez and Jeremy Stanley both work on the software and provide information about problems, innovations, and future plans.

ADMIN Magazine: The OpenStack Foundation has changed its name to the OpenInfra Foundation. Can you say something about the part OpenStack plays in this new setting?

Thierry Carrez: The foundation was originally created to host and promote the OpenStack project. In the process of doing so in the last 10 years, we assembled a wide community of operators, organizations, and developers interested in the concept of using open source solutions to provide infrastructure. With such an audience, it is only natural that we support and host other projects that are relevant for the same audience.

Thierry Carrez, General Manager at the OpenInfra Foundation, was involved in founding the OpenStack project as a systems engineer and still contributes to its governance and release management. A fellow of the Python Software Foundation, he previously worked as technical lead for Ubuntu Server at Canonical, operations lead for the
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