Program from one source to many apps with Flutter

Big Flap


If you want to compile the app you created for the desktop, entering three commands at the command line in the project's root directory is all it takes:

$ flutter config --enable-linux-desktop
### Important: Do not forget the
### dot at the end of this command
$ flutter create --platforms=linux .
$ flutter build linux

As a result, you get an executable binary in the build/linux/x64/release/bundle/ folder. For Windows or macOS as the target platform, just replace the linux tag with windows or macos. Compiling for Windows and macOS only works on the respective operating systems. For more information regarding desktop support, see the Flutter website [9].


This article only provides a rough overview of Flutter, but once you understand the strategy of how apps are built, you can program apps for a wide variety of platforms relatively easily and conveniently. The Flutter repository [2] also proves to be a veritable treasure trove of packages that make everyday programming far easier. The weather app, for example, could be extended with the geolocator [10] package to determine the current location and display the local weather without having to specify the location explicitly.

The Author

Markus Hoffmann is a software developer from Germany. He got his education as an application developer at SRH in Heidelberg. Additionaly he is a certified JavaScript developer. If he is not sitting at a computer you can find him on the main stand of the stadium in Worms seeing his favorite soccer team Wormatia Worms. You can reach him under

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