Legally compliant blockchain archiving

All Together Now

Bottom Line

In times of digitalization, companies can no longer afford to remain at the infrastructural and technical status quo of the 1990s. Silo systems like ERP, DWH, archive, or EAI/ESB not only produce unnecessary costs, they also hinder the efficient processing of company information. In this context, it is of great importance that IT investments do not flow into the conversion of individual systems without a plan, but rather into the strategic alignment of an entire IT infrastructure.

The solution outlined in this article forms the basis of a reorganized IT infrastructure that offers the ability to store distributed data, verifiable by blockchain mechanisms. Every corporate IT system can make use of and store information in this data pool. The architecture avoids dependencies between individual infrastructure providers and thus provides maximum flexibility in the back end.


  1. Deepshore:
  2. Raft consensus algorithm:

The Author

Falk Borgmann is Senior Technical Consultant at Deepshore GmbH, Hamburg, Germany.

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