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Developments in storage management

Putting All Your Ducks in a Row

Article from ADMIN 83/2024
The goal of storage management is to ensure efficient and reliable data usage, both to improve the performance of storage, server, and hybrid IT infrastructures and to ensure their integrity and availability. We look at likely developments in corporate IT as a result of proactive data management.

Storage management covers the key aspects of enterprise management of storage resources and the components involved, both on premises and in hybrid clouds and multiclouds, including functions for resource provisioning, process automation, load balancing, capacity planning and management, predictive analysis, performance monitoring, data replication, compression, deduplication, snapshots, and cloning. Other tools include services for cloud storage and container management systems such as Kubernetes and the like.

In contrast, storage resource management (SRM) is a sub-aspect of enterprise storage management. From direct-attached to fabric-attached storage, SRM is typically more closely tied to deployed storage hardware, whether in the form of software-defined JBODs (just a bunch of disks) or self-contained intelligent storage arrays and subsystems. SRM also applies to hyperconverged environments and computational storage systems.

Accessing Data

A data-centric approach is increasingly observed in today's application operations and the associated IT environments. Information is used as a strategic resource that needs to be managed, analyzed, and protected to reflect its value. This data landscape typically consists of local environments and cloud systems from different providers, which can be geographically distributed, making data management itself more difficult. Data and storage management are interdependent disciplines. Hardware-related storage management relates to physical storage resources and media such as hard disk drives (HDDs), solid-state drives (SSDs), tapes, and other devices. Storage-related data management is about the stored data, regardless of the physical storage medium.

In addition to the associated processes, enterprise data management comprises the organization, backup, manipulation, analysis, and management of all relevant data throughout the entire life cycle,

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