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Redfish standard as a replacement for IPMI Chassis Management

Red Alert

Article from ADMIN 38/2017
Redfish has been slated to replace the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) for hardware management over the network. We explain how the Redfish standard works and how it is used for system management.

It has taken fewer than 20 years for the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) to become the standard for managing corporate computer hardware. In the near future, the platform will be known by the name of its successor, Redfish. Thanks to its simplified structure, Redfish will enjoy even more support. The primary goal envisioned is to supersede IPMI over the network (IPMI over LAN). Knowledge gained from the myriad of proprietary IPMI extensions is being incorporated into Redfish so that it can offer a defined extension mechanism for company-specific modules.


Redfish is being developed by the Scalable Platforms Management Forum (SPMF) of the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF). Version 1.0 of the standards was released in August 2015, followed by version 1.0.2 in December 2015. The Redfish Scalable Platforms Management API Specification version 1.0.2 appeared in May 2016 [1]. Jeff Autor from Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) and Paul Vancil from Dell were in charge of creating these standards. As a result, it is no accident that HPE, or HP as it was then known, began offering a management interface that was conceptually similar to Redfish. Going by the name "HPE RESTful API," the interface sat on ProLiant servers by 2014. In addition to HPE and Dell, many other manufacturers also are on board with the new platform standards, including Cisco, EMC, VMware, Microsoft, IBM, Fujitsu, Huawei, NetApp, and Intel.

Web Technology Grounds

The standard sits on tried and true protocols and formats that come from the world of the Internet. The architecture follows the REST model, which uses the verbs in the HTTP protocol for reading and modifying data (i.e., GET, POST, PATCH, and PUT). Corresponding

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