Ubuntu Server 16.04 & Kali Linux
On the DVD
Kali Linux is a Debian-based system for advanced penetration testing and security auditing, including hundreds of tools for pen testing, forensics, and reverse engineering.
Ubuntu Server 16.04 (64-bit) Install
The "Xenial Xerus" is a long-term support (LTS) edition of Ubuntu, which means Ubuntu Server will be supported for five years. Version 16.04 now supports remote kernel crash dumps and includes LXD, "a new, lightweight, network-aware container manager offering a VM-like experience built on top of Linux containers" [1]. The newest release includes a number of updates, such as:
- Open vSwitch, 2.5.0 (LTS), with support for integration with DPDK (Data Plane Development Kit)
- Ceph Jewel v10.1.2
- Docker v1.10, which requires migration of existing images
- PHP v7.0, which requires modifications to custom PHP extensions
- MySQL v5.7, which requires an update of previously customized configurations
- Juju and Juju UI v2.0beta4
The 16.04 Server image on the disk is install only, with no Live version.
Kali Linux (32-bit) Live
Kali Linux is a Debian-based system for advanced penetration testing and security auditing, including hundreds of tools for pen testing, forensics, and reverse engineering. The kernel also includes the latest injection patches for wireless assessments. Kali Linux is multilingual, customizable, free, and open.
- Ubuntu Server 16.04 release notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes#Ubuntu_Server
- Kali Linux: https://www.kali.org
- Kali Linux documentation: http://docs.kali.org
- Kali tools: http://tools.kali.org