Oracle Database 12c: Cloud computing with multitenant architecture

Pluggable Database


Oracle has come up with something good after a long development period. Besides the many small improvements, the major architecture change toward pluggable and cloud databases opens up many possibilities for use. Whether and to what extent these changes are adopted by the users remains to be seen. After initial reluctance, a widespread move is likely to follow.

The Author

Andrea Held is the director of the Frankfurt Datenbanktage (Database Days) and CEO of Held Informatik. She is the author of the book Oracle 12c New Features and co-author of Oracle DBA – Oracle 12c Database Administration and Oracle 12c Advanced – Cloud Computing, Virtualization and High Availability , which are published by Hanser.

Ronny Egner is the spokesperson for the Frankfurt Datenbanktage. He works on projects on a freelance basis and lectures on the subject of Oracle databases. He also works with SAP HANA, PostgreSQL, and the new Oracle 12c database. His focus is on infrastructure, which explains his storage, operating system, and backup system expertise.

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