Unicode migration with an Oracle database

Out of Babylon

Required Downtime

Of course, you can't ignore the downtime required for a migration of this kind. In the case of critical databases, it is thus advisable to use replication software that logs the changes in the old database and replicates them to the new database after it has been set up.

In 2010, a major German automobile manufacturer used Shareplex for Oracle by Dell (formerly Quest) to migrate an approximately 10TB database with less than 2 hours of downtime. And in 2011, it migrated a smaller but highly critical database without any downtime at all from an ISO character set to Unicode. In both cases, the company would have been able to fail back to the older database for several weeks after the conversion.

The Author

Johannes Ahrends has been working with the Oracle database and associated tools for 20 years. He founded his own company in 2011  – CarajanDB – which, of course, specializes in Oracle database-related topics. Johannes Ahrends is the co-author of the book Oracle für den DBA (Addison-Wesley) and is an Oracle ACE Award winner.

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