Minikube lets you set up Kubernetes in a local environment, so you can get some practice before rolling it out in a network or cloud setting.
Take your performance tuning into the cloud with the top utility.
Docker has radically changed the way admins roll out their software in many companies. However, regular updates are still needed. How does this work most effectively with containers?
Azure Information Protection helps businesses control how information in communications between employees is handled.
The upstream project of the Ansible Tower enterprise solution is now freely available as AWX. We look at Red Hat’s new web-based console manager for Ansible deployments and discover its capabilities.
WebRTC has the potential to bring high-quality, easily developed, and interoperable real-time voice, video, and data communication to all manner of applications in web browsers.
Microsoft has broken new ground with the release of PowerShell Core 6.0, which at heart is a complete reboot in terms of architecture and objectives. For the first time, a new version is not linked to the Windows operating system.
In malware analysis, a sandbox can provide insight into the software and its run-time environment. While a sandbox can prevent the execution of malicious code with built-in detection mechanisms, malware developers can use countermeasures to take advantage of those same detection mechanisms.
Because Samba can be integrated easily into heterogeneous environments, a kind of heterogeneous administration is often necessary, and security falls by the wayside. We show you how to use a Samba file server securely in heterogeneous environments.
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 introduces SQL Server on Linux, along with machine learning services, support for graph data, and on-premises Power BI.